NMAT Exams


Created on - May 5, 2023

NMAT stands for the NMIMS Management Aptitude Test. It is a national-level entrance exam conducted by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) for admission to various MBA and other management programs offered by NMIMS University and other participating institutes in India.

Here are some key points about NMAT:

  1. Exam Structure: NMAT is a computer-based test (CBT) that assesses a candidate's skills in three areas: Language Skills, Quantitative Skills, and Logical Reasoning. The exam consists of multiple-choice questions and has a time limit of 120 minutes.

  2. Exam Sections: NMAT is divided into three sections, and each section has a designated time limit. The sections are as follows:

    • Language Skills: Tests a candidate's English language proficiency, including grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension.
    • Quantitative Skills: Evaluates a candidate's mathematical and numerical ability.
    • Logical Reasoning: Assesses a candidate's analytical and logical reasoning skills.
  3. Exam Window: NMAT is conducted over a specific period known as the exam window. The exam window typically spans several weeks, during which candidates can choose a convenient date and time to take the exam.

  4. Exam Centers: NMAT is conducted at designated test centers across India. Candidates can select their preferred exam center during the registration process.

  5. Exam Score: After completing the NMAT exam, candidates receive a scaled score for each section as well as a total score. The score range for NMAT is from 0 to 360.

  6. Multiple Attempts: NMAT allows candidates to take the exam up to three times during the exam window. Candidates can choose to retake the exam to improve their score, and the best score among the attempts is considered for the final admissions.

  7. Admission Process: After the NMAT exam, participating institutes release their respective cutoffs. Candidates who meet the cutoff criteria are shortlisted for the subsequent selection process, which may include group discussion (GD), personal interview (PI), and/or written ability test (WAT).

To get more detailed and up-to-date information about the NMAT exam, including eligibility criteria, registration process, exam dates, and participating institutes, it is recommended to visit the official website of NMAT or GMAC.